fedex contact phone
It’s hard to count all the possible reasons one might start looking for FedEx contact information. You might need to consult with company’s representative concerning delivery costs, locations, working hours, or you might have some problems with your delivery that require you getting in touch with the carrier, or you would like to lodge an inquiry for your parcel, or file a complaint or even just leave your opinion about company’s services.
No matter if you need any information, advice, or require help, contact FedEx customer service. It can be done in various ways: you can choose whichever one is more convenient for you in each particular situation. Still, the main two ways are: calling the company’s customer support line or via email.
fedex contact phone number
Calling carrier’s customer support is the fastest way to get all your questions answered and problems solved. FedEx contact phone is 1-800-463-3339 it can be called to either use some services (like getting to know the current status of your delivery) provided by automatic answering bot, or to get in contact with the actual representative who can help you with various difficulties concerning your parcel. This number can be used to contact the company’s customer support in the US, Canada, Mexico.
If you want to find FedEx contact phone number in any other country, set your region at the company’s official website and visit Сontact us page. For some countries, you can only contact customer support online.
For those of you, who for any reason find calling customer support inconvenient, there is one more way to contact the carrier, especially when it comes to less urgent questions. To find out how to contact FedEx departments, visit Fedex website and choose the service from the list of options. You’ll be redirected to contact form and will be able to ask a question or leave a comment. These emails usually receive an answer in 1-5 business days depending on how busy the postal season is.
Though FedEx contact can usually be done quite fast, it does take some time to process and solve most problems with deliveries, so in case no one gets in touch with you after the inquiry was lodged, check with customer support one more time.